Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Blog!!

Well, it's official, I've left the safe confines of happy xanga-land to start posting my own blog on my own webpage. It's been awhile since I last edited anything on this page and I kind of feel sad about that. I once had great aspirations for what this site would be some day, but it never quite grew up. Now, it seems I might have found a new home for my blog and a new use for my site. All in all, it's a great little marriage. Like all marriages, I think this will have some getting used to, some growing pains, and some mistakes. Anyhow... on with the show.

Today was a rough day for me. I had a little run in with my finances, and decided to meet up with an only high school friend who is now a financial adviser. I wanted to just go over budgets with him and discuss what were good ways to start saving up for retirement, buying a house, starting a college fund... you know, the usual financial milestones of our society. I was surprised as to how much money is considered "safe", and how difficult it would be for me to attain such goals.

I was then confronted with the ultimate question, would I give up everything I have been doing in an attempt to re-cap all that I could financially? Did financial security for myself mean more to me than my willingness to call upon God for help?

I have heard many stories in my day of missionaries who needed financial support and how God provided for them when all else was lost. It is easy to hear these stories and think to yourself, Wow, God really is good!! But, when your life is on the line, and your future is at stake, it is much harder to tell yourself, God will provide. Even though God has blessed my life so much in the past, I believe the daily sacrifice still hurts. And why shouldn't it? I honestly don't think it's supposed to get easier. It's tough following Jesus. And this decision continues to be difficult for me.

What will my final decision be? I will attempt to hold on to God's promise once more, to ask Him to come through for me. I will see what great things He has in store for me with this opportunity. I will step into His plan for my life and see where He leads.

I was talking to my roommates earlier today, and told them of the folly of my youth. I once prayed that God break me, and mold me to make me more like Him. I prayed that He take my life and use it for His purposes. I prayed that He begin to change my heart to break for the things that broke His. I prayed for His will, His plan, and His hand be above all of my own plans, ambitions, and desires. To my astonishment, fear, and excitement, He has answered my prayers. Folly of my youth. I have made promises to God, and He has made promises to me. And because of His love, He holds me to my end of the bargain.

Much more to post, MANY more developments, but as for now, I pray that God continue to lead me down the path for His righteousness and His glory.


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