Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Beginnings...

With the coming of the new years, and the different seasons at my organization, I have been thinking a great deal about new beginnings. How some things must go away, and how new things are approaching. I am learning that nothing every really stays the same, and even those things we thought were going to be constant begin to shift.

Somethings I have been looking forward to this season are: the amazing new experiences at CSM, the great things God will teach me, my brother's wedding, and learning the new role as scheduler. Looking back at the last 5 years of my life, I cannot believe all the changes that have taken place, some of those things I felt were really sad, and I thought I would never be able to get over them. But, as I have come to realize, God has bigger plans than I could ever imagine, and sometimes to put me in positions where I was ready to receive His plans, I needed to be put down a notch or two.

As I begin this new years, I don't think I really have many "resolutions." I have, however, reflected on my life and have decided to shift the way I want to think about certain issues and lifestyles. The first and foremost, I want to begin to really be accountable to the way I am spending my money. Moving into a full-time ministry job means much of the money I receive to live on comes from supporters, friends, and family. If I carelessly spend, I am not honoring their wish to support me and my ministry. So, in that, I have become a little more cautious towards where my money goes on a day-to-day basis.

The second thing I have realized is I need to spend much more time talking to God. It's true that God has been a major focus point in my life, but when you are caught up in a lot of "activities" it can become difficult to sit down and just enjoy the time talking and listening to each other. Same with God. I am beginning to realize how important it is to carve out time in my day to read the bible and pray. I know that sounds elementary but, it's true. Especially in my life.

Lastly, I have begun to realize that much of my life direction cannot be planned out, and even though I have great fear and worries about where my life will be in 30 years, I realize that God knows more than I do. He really will take care of me. He always has, He always will.


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