Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sunday, February 3, 2008

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
- Ferris Bueller (Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986)

Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted, and where has the time gone? To be honest, so much has happened, I just got caught up in the whirlwind that is life. It's no excuse as to why I stopped posting, but it's a reason.

Lots has gone on, and I really want to share it all, but am afraid I'm posting really too late to get into detail (But as you know, I do tend to ramble on and on when I'm tired). It's 5 in the morning, and even though it's been almost a month since I slept in my own bed (not the housing site, but at home) I can't sleep.

I just got back from San Fransisco, where we had a CSM Staff Training. It was a real blasty blast, and a real interesting time for me. I met almost all the other full time CSM staff from around North America (there were a few people who couldn't make it, but almost everyone was there). I think it's been an interesting journey for me at CSM, because for the last month, I've been learning the ropes of scheduling, and I think I started to feel like I knew what I was doing. Sometimes, it scared me because I didn't know if I was exactly on the right track in terms of timing and whatnot. But after this week in SF, I realized that there are people around the world who understand my struggle and my job. Just knowing that has helped me feel more confident and secure in what I do.

Also, a real great thing about this last week was I really felt like CSM has become a home for me. I know I've been around the world because of my different jobs, but I don't know if I ever felt like more like I belonged more than this last week. From the second I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I don't think I ever felt like I wasn't included in a discussion, game, or meal. It was totally comfortable. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's true.

Well, more to say but as always, my insomnia is wearing off, and I think I should try to get in a few more hours of sleep before I need to wake up for a long day of church/superbowl party/work.



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