Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So, as of tomorrow, I will have been running 3x a week for a month.  I know for a lot of you out there, that's not a big deal, as you run all the time, but honestly, it's a huge deal for me.  I'm not someone who you would call "athletic" or into anything physical.  There have been seasons where people around me could convince me to go work out with them, but when they weren't around I really didn't ever go by myself.  So... why running?

I've always enjoyed a good run.  I can remember in high school, going out for a midnight run down the dark streets where I lived.  I enjoyed the way it cleared my head and gave me room to think.  It's a simple act, where I'm not competing with anyone.  I'm not comparing myself to someone faster, more athletic, or more coordinated.  It's just me and the road.  So, last year, after I got married I started to think about my health a bit more.  I wanted to do something for me.  And my new year's resolution was to run a 1/2 marathon... by the end of the year.  Now, I've told a lot of people that, and the simple response is, "Well, that's totally doable.  You really only NEED a few months to train up to that"  But in reality, I had my doubts.  Reality is like a bucket of cold water that hits you in the face.  Reality is the simple truth that when I crossed the street, and had to walk fast... I was out of breath.  So running 13+ miles... was gonna be a struggle.

So, obviously right after the new year... I sat on the couch.  I told myself that I was busy.  I had other things to do.  I had TV shows to watch; I had food to cook; I was tired from the day's work; I ate too much; I was too hungry... Basically, I had every excuse under the sun.  So on March 13th, I finally got over my excuses and walked out the door for the first time.  Armed with my iPhone, headphones, and an app (couch to 5k), I began to run.  That first day, I had to run for 1 minute, then walk for 1.5 minutes; 8 times.  Not too bad right? Wrong.  After my first 1 minute run, I was out of breath.  My sides hurt like someone was poking them with a hot spear.  My feet felt like they were about to fall off.  My legs simply revolted and didn't want to move.  But, I got to walk for a whole 90 seconds before the 2nd, 3rd and ultimately 8th run came.  As I walked home, I felt good about running again, but my body was screaming at me.  The next day was worse.  I couldn't move.  Every joint, muscle, and bone had gone stiff.  To the point my shoulders were sore (how shoulders get sore by running, I don't know).  But two days later, I managed to get out the door and run again.  and again.  and again.

With each passing run, the program took the level up just a little.  I ran a bit further.  I walked a bit less.  And it felt easier and easier.  I'm still huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, but it's manageable now.  And today, I finished two 8 minute runs with a 5 minute walk in between.  I had a pace of 15 minutes/mile, and felt good afterwards.  For the most part, my legs still get a bit sore the next day, but by my next run I'm ready for it.  Many of you have encouraged me as I post about my runs on FB or Twitter.  And for that I couldn't be more grateful.  I feel better about myself and find myself eating better so I can have a better run.  On Saturday, I attempt (and will succeed) my first 20 minute run (no walking).  I'm excited and scared and excited.  I know I can do it, I just have to push through the pain and go for it.  As for the 1/2 marathon.  I've decided to go for it in October.  I also have a 5k scheduled for mid-May, and a 10k at the end of June.  

The best part about this is I've started to have fun with it.  I'm finding myself looking forward to Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturdays.  I try to get off work early to I can get to the track early.  And each day as I complete a more difficult goal, I look ahead to see what my next run will be.

If you have been following my runs on facebook and commenting on them, thanks for the encouragement.  If you want to join me in my runs, I encourage it!  It's fun (for the most part) and TRUST ME, I don't go too fast.  Come along & run with me!


Some things I have learned while running.
  • Pace is everything, too quick of a pace early on can kill the later half of a run.
  • Running with others is great fun, but to work on speed, a few solo runs are important
  • For me, music is really important.  A great playlist goes a LONG way (mixing in Joe Esposito's "You're the Best" has gotten me to the end of MANY runs)
  • 80's soundtrack music is quite possibly the most inspiring music in the world. (once again, for me!  hahaha)
  • If I start saying to myself at 1 minute that I'm tired, it's gonna be a long run.
  • In 1 month, I've managed to run 8x longer than when I first started!!!  
  • When you're tired, don't ever stop, just slow down.  There's a Chinese saying, "Don't be afraid of slowing, be afraid of standing"  This is a saying about life, but it's just as applicable here.
  • Stan Bush - "Dare"


Blogger Emmy said...

You are an inspiration, Jon. I need to get back into my workout routine and I am going to do it! I have my little gym right in my garage. You reminded me that after that dirst day - when you go out again- work it again it gets easier and more fun. I like the way imfeel and look whenI I am in shape. Keep it up! Maybe I will jump up off of my couch...

April 17, 2012 at 5:16 PM  
Blogger Emmy said...

P.S. This is Mary.

April 17, 2012 at 5:17 PM  

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