Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Joyful Song

With the Olympic fever "sweeping" the country yet again, I am reminded of my grandparents.  You see, my grandpa was one of the athletes that walked around the track and stood proud for his country in the 1968 Mexico Olympics.  He was the Taiwan shooting coach, and was able to participate in this amazing tradition.  No, they didn't win any medals, but my grandpa proudly talked about his team and couldn't be happer just to participate in such a prestigious world event.

My grandma at the time was one of the few women doctors in all of Asia.  She helped found clinics providing health care for those in need.  She healed the sick, helped the poor, and loved her community as her family.

My grandparents were kinda a big deal. But, by the time I was born, my grandparents had already walked away from that life to start another chapter.  Living in America, and taking care of their grandkids.

My earliest memories of my grandparents include my grandpa telling everyone off the street that I was his grandson, and watching my grandma cooking snacks in the kitchen for me and my brother.  I can still hear her humming as she worked her magic.  

I will never forget these two images of my grandparents, and even today when I think of them, this is what I see in my mind's eye.

Years later, both my grandparents were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  It's hard for me to think about this part of their lives.  Thinking of my grandparents as a frail shadow of their former selves is difficult for me.  This disease took away my grandparents' memories.  It took away their ability to reason, identify family, or know who they were.

This disease is so widespread now, everyone I know has either lost someone to it, or knows someone afflicted with it.  It is the sixth leading cause of death in the US today.  And research towards ending it has to happen.  The sooner the better!

That's why I walk.  For the past couple of years, Alyssa and I have been creating teams, and walking to make a difference.  And I'm inviting you to join us.  

One of the reasons we picked our team name, "Joyful Song" is because that is something that helps remind me of my grandma.  She always had a joyful song to sing.

Help us by walking - Join our team & walk with us.  Tell your story and help us raise funds towards ending this disease.

Help us by donating - Last year, our team of 7 raised over $1000 towards Alzheimer's research.  This year, our goal is $2000.  Help us by giving.  Every dollar helps!

Help us by spreading the word - If you can't help us walk and can't help donate, you can help spread the word about us by sharing our story to your friends and seeing if they can do either.  

Click on the link below to go to my fundraising page:

Thanks again for all the help and support.  We couldn't do this without your love.  



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