Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

40x40 List

I don't do much blogging anymore, but I really enjoy writing (for fun). And now that I'm done with school, I'm hoping to pick some of it up again. I get inspired when Alyssa writes about her life and her thoughts. Not that I'm trying to copy her or anything, I just want to reflect in a safe space from time to time.

A little while ago, Alyssa created a 30 by 30 list. 30 things she wanted to do before she turned 30. What a great idea. Put down some bigger goals you can work towards. And I fell in love with the idea.

Alyssa has been bugging me to create my own 40 by 40 list… and I have been reluctant.  Mostly because once I put it down on paper, it will be something I have to strive for… but you know the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”  So… here goes.

  1. Become a dad
  2. Run a ½ marathon
    1. I actually JUST completed this, but when I started this list, I still hadn't finished it.
  3. Travel to Australia
    1. I’ve always wanted to go here.  It’s so far, but seems so cool!
  4. Become a homeowner
  5. Take a cooking class series
    1. I thought it would be fun to take a set of classes on something in particular
  6. Teach a cooking classes series
    1. Hey, I’m pretty good at cooking.  It might be fun to teach it too.  I’m thinking nothing official, but with friends and family?  Maybe
  7. Enter an eating competition of some kind (pie, hot dogs… whatever)
    1. OMG, this just seems fun!!!
  8. Go Kayaking in the ocean
    1. I took a kayaking class in high school (I know... shut up), but we never did anything outside of kayaking in our school pool...  It would be fun to do it in the ocean.
  9. Take a trip to Washington DC
    1. I’ve never been to our nation’s capital, and I would like to see all the monuments and all the museums
  10. Buy season passes to Disneyland (again)
    1. I love Disneyland.  It’d be fun to get an annual pass again.
  11. Lose enough weight that my stomach doesn’t jiggle when I brush my teeth
    1. Hahahaha, honestly, I just wanna get under 200, but this is (from Kevin James) a fun way of saying it.
  12. Donate 40 pints of blood (5 gallons)
    1. I’ve just hit my 1 gallon mark this year, and don’t think it will be too hard to get my way to 5 gallons by the time I’m 40.
  13. Learn to make sushi.
    1. How to cut the fish, how to cook the rice, how to roll the rolls... I wanna know it all.
  14. Go to the Opera with my wife (and get SUPER dressed up!)
    1. A little bit of culture hasn’t ever hurt anyone.  And getting dressed up is ALWAYS fun.
  15. Host a party where I have cooked EVERYTHING (at my house)
    1. This is also part of the “homeowner” point, but I’d love to cook all the appetizers and entrees and everything.
  16. Adopt a dog
    1. Love dogs.  I’d love to adopt one (or rescue one!)
  17. Take an “all inclusive” vacation (either on a beach or on a cruise!)
    1. This is me, being lazy...  I want to pay someone (or some company) to pamper me for a designated amount of time...
  18. Attend the Sundance Film Festival (or Canne, but I doubt that will be as easy)
    1. This might be a fun way to experience culture and sounds fun.  Hopefully it won’t be too pretentious.  
  19. Find a church I call “home”
  20. Participate in a multi-day relay race
    1. When we went to Zion, there was this relay race going on, and it was over 2 days, and went some 138 miles!!  I just looked it up, 12 runners, running 3-8 miles at a time, for 37 legs... it’s totally doable, I just need 11 more people who would be interested in this!
  21. Finish picking pictures for my wedding album
  22. Learn to swing dance
  23. Learn to salsa
  24. Learn to tango
  25. Experience Christmas in New York
    1. I’m still debating if this includes New Years in Times Square... probably not, but Christmastime in New York sounds amazing
  26. Get a Tattoo
    1. I’ve known what I want for awhile... just have to step up and do it.
  27. Attend a Broadway play in New York with my wife
  28. Volunteer somewhere I believe in for an extended amount of time.
    1. I’m gonna say at least a year here.
  29. Start a blog about food/cooking
    1. Not something I would do on a daily basis... but maybe weekly?
  30. Visit 3 of the 7 wonders of the world with my wife.
    1. I’ve been to the Great Wall, she’s been to the Great Wall & the Pyramids... time to do some of them together.
  31. Travel the United States by train.
  32. Travel to a foreign country to attend a festival
    1. Germany for Oktoberfest, Rio for Carnival, Anywhere for the Olympics...
  33. Go to the Grand Canyon
  34. Spend a night in one of those cabin/huts that sit over the water.
  35. Host a monthly game/poker night (for at least 3 months)
  36. Take a Ceramics Class
  37. Experience a “White Christmas”
  38. Create and serve a signature dish
  39. Finish a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle
  40. Put together a recipe book, and give it to someone who needs it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

13.1..., cause I'm only 1/2 crazy

About a year ago, I turned to Alyssa and said to her, "I want to run a 1/2 marathon next year."  Like many of the crazy things I say, Alyssa just nodded and said, "Whatever you want babe."  And that comment went to the wayside alongside comments like, "I think I want to open a restaurant." or "I wish I was close friends with Kevin Smith."

But in February of this year, I began to look at running more seriously.  I picked up an app that would train me to do a 5k (couch to 5k program).  And on May 19th, I began this journey towards my 1/2 marathon.  I ran the Palos Verdes 5k, and hated every minute of it.  I wasn't ready for the hills, I started out too quickly, but I finished.  And I finished well.  Now, I'm not the fastest of runners (in fact some people walk faster than me).  But, I never let that stop me.  I do what I can, and don't compete with anyone but myself.

A month and a half later, I ran a long beach 10k.  Again, I learned a lot about how to run a race (the hard way).  I didn't get any body glide, and about a mile into the race, I was chaffing pretty hard.  I wore a cotton shirt, and it got SUPER hot, SUPER quick.  But, again, I finished and I was excited that not only did I finish, but I got way under the time I was expecting.  Having finished a 5k and a 10k, I started setting my sights on the 1/2 marathon.

Now, for those of you who don't know, the measurements basically break down to 5k=3.1 miles, 10k= 6.2 miles, and 1/2 marathon is 13.1 miles (and duh, a full marathon is 26.2 miles).  So basically, I was doubling my distance each time I went out.  This isn't too bad, since a lot of books and experts say that while you train you can increase your distance by 10% every week.  So, by the time I was running 6.2 miles, I could  get to 6.8 miles the following week, and so on.  This theory is all good and fine as long as... you don't hurt yourself.

But, inevitably, my knee gave out.  I didn't know how much an injury could set back training.  I couldn't do my long runs, my short runs were junk... and I was really defeated.  But, Jeremy & Alyssa kept hounding me to cross train, to push myself, and to get out there so I wouldn't fall on my face.  And it helped!

This morning I woke up at 5am, and got out to Long Beach.  The longest I had run up until this morning was 7.5 miles.  Which, considering I was trying for 13.1, this was a HUGE jump.  So, I began my run slow.  Very Slow...  And, I just kept going, and going, and going....  I got to mile 6, and Alyssa and my mom were cheering me on.  So, I kept going.  I ran through downtown Long Beach, and I kept going.  And we ran along the beach... and my legs started hitting the wall.

Now, so many people describe the wall as a place where your mind, body, and everything gives out.  My shoulders hurt, I couldn't feel my hands, and my legs were crying out in pain.  And at 9 miles, I started walking.  Jeremy kept telling me to keep going, and to walk faster.  He encouraged me to run if I could.  I told him I couldn't.  I was upset at myself, mad at my stupid knee, and couldn't catch my breath.  Around mile 10, Jeremy pulled me to the side and told me to stretch, and catch my breath.  I did so, and we began walking again.  He started telling me to run.  I gave him every excuse in the book.  And he did not let me walk.  I was crying.  He didn't budge.  And so I ran.  I ran like a crazy person.  Because my body hurt so much, my form was all shot.  My arms flailed, my leg dragged, and I was still gasping in pain.  But I ran.

A mile later, with blood getting pushed around, my form started straightening out, and Jeremy kept telling me how good I was doing.  And I ran.  I did a mile, and it took forever.  But only 2.1 miles left...  I ran 1/2 a mile, and I wanted to give up.  How did I just go 1.5 miles?  And Jeremy kept pushing.  "You can do this."  "I can't feel my fingers and hands." "You don't need those to run.  Keep going!"  And I kept going.  A mile away, he started telling me "Almost there!!!"  But my legs felt like falling off.  And I kept going.  Now, I couldn't feel my face, and I was sure I was going to throw up.  But I kept running.  And Jeremy kept pushing.  And I could now see the finish.  My legs felt like falling off, my arms felt like jelly, my shoulders hurt, my stomach hurt....


And, I saw Alyssa.  The pain momentarily left, and I ran the last 100 yards with a smile on my face.  And I finished.

So, tonight...  I sit here.  My legs still hurt.  My shoulders are sore.  I'm stumbling around like a drunk frat guy.  But I finished.

And I couldn't be more grateful for my wife, my brother, and everyone who supported me in this journey.

Thank you all.  And, my last thought.  If I can do this, you can do this!!