Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Ok, so quick blog, cause I have about 30 minutes to get ready, set up my day of hosting and... and... I don't know what else... 

Quick Prayer items tho:

Last night, I was goofing around and I was trying to demonstrate my "Action Movie Jump" to some Junior Highers (why is it always with jr highers...?)  And I landed on my shoulder funny.  I think I heard something pop... but am unsure.  I stood up and smiled real big... but for a few seconds had the wind knocked out of me and couldn't talk.  Also... this morning I could barely move my arm...  It gets easier the more I move it... so I don't THINK it was broken or dislocated.  I am hoping it is just a bad bruise.... So... Please pray for my stupidity.

Also, I'm super busy this week, and it's getting busier.  I am trying to set aside time for myself, but that has been... well, difficult.  Pray that I might find peace.

I don't know how to feel about Pastor Lo passing away.  He was such a great influencer in my life, and really cared about me and my family.  I could go into stories about what he has done, but as I said earlier... time crunch.  Let's just say this: his life had shaped many things about how I perceive the world today.  His memorial service is this Friday, please pray that I can catch up in my work enough to go.

THANKS!!!  Love you all lots.  I'll post more later, but need to get going.

You stay classy San Diego!!     
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