Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What do you make time for?

I was talking to a friend recently about all the different things he wants to do with his life. We talked about his passions and his goals, and how his current job is not very fulfilling. He kept telling me he wanted to do something else with his life, and if only he had a different job, his life would seem to be more... well, it would be more.

I asked him an interesting question. "What do you do in your spare time?" Was he pursuing this "perfect job"? Was his free time consumed with applying for a new job, practicing his skills so when he got his chance he would shine, finding new contacts that would help him break into the biz? No, in fact, he spent most of his free time watching TV, reading books, and sitting around. And I thought to myself, He doesn't REALLY want to do anything different.

Another friend of mine was telling me that he went to the doctor recently, and found out his heart was in real bad shape. He's been overweight for a long time, and knew he wasn't treating his body with much respect. The funny thing is if you asked him, he could tell you what EXACTLY he was doing wrong. But, after the doctor told him that he was going to die if he kept going down this track, he started changing what he did with his time. Now, when I call him, he's not watching television and eating corn dogs. He's running, he's eating salads, he's making good choices for himself. He doesn't want to die (I don't want him to either, so I'm happy about this change). And he's started to make the time to become healthier.

A lot of times, I say that I want certain things for myself. I want to work out, I want to eat better, I want to have a relationship... But, I never make time for any of that. The things in your life that are most important to you, you make time for. I make time for my job. I make time for my friends. I make time for... watching television. Yup, I'm lazy too. But, rest is important (and so is making time for it).

I'm learning (slowly) that I need to make time for other things in my life. I'm slowly making time for volunteering at an after-school program. I'm making time for a small group that I'm getting involved with. I'm making time for church on Sunday. It's all stuff that requires a lot of energy, but it's all stuff that's become important to me. And, I have to make time for it.

So, my question to you is this... What do you make time for in your life? A quick evaluation of your time can prove where your priorities lie. And if you spend all your time eating ice cream, then... that's your number 1 priority (and a good one at that). But maybe it's time to stop saying, "I wish I had time for..." and started saying, "I'm making the time for..."


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