Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hello Mother, Hello Father.

YAY!!!  My folks are home!  Actually, they've been home since Monday, but I didn't actually get to see them until last night.  We all got together and went out to eat some sushi.  (double yay!)

It's funny how a relationship with parents can change over time.  I think in the past couple of years, I've learned to communicate with them differently.  I joke with my pops more these days, and have deep discussions about God and the future with my mom.  I'd have to say that out of all the things I've done to hurt them through the years (intentionally or not) I'm still amazed that they love me as much as they do.  Sometimes, this love comes out of their unnecessary worry for me or their desire for greatness in my life...  But, even though it sometimes is a little unbelievable, I find deep comfort in that love.

They were out of town for both Mother's day and Father's day, which is great, because I really didn't have to think about it too much, but having them home is so cool that last night felt like a big Mother's/Father's day dinner.

I think that's all I really had to say about that.  I know, I'm kinda sappy, but it's what I was thinking and so... there it is.  my 2 cents for this entry.
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