Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I think it's been a crazy few weeks, but I think my life is finally getting back into rhythm again.  We just finished training last night, and had a dinner at my apartment to celebrate the completion of two weeks of straight work.  Vales made an awesome lasagna, I made some bread, and some pasta to go with.  Afterwards, the girls made some apple crisp, which we added ice cream to it.  YUM!

Also, my car has been totalled...  Yeah, I was driving and I hit a SUV... his bumper didn't even touch mine, and it hit my hood instead.  So there's enough frame damage and transmission damage that I have to sell it to my insurance and buy a "new" car.  I say that because I really do have to get a used car (I think) unless I want another 5 years of payments.  I was excited cause just this last February I finished paying off my LAST car... *SIGH* oh well...  It's all in God's hand anyways.  I'm just happy nobody got hurt.  =)

I've been learning even more about the city, which is still a surprise.  I think I'm now to the point where I realize that I will learn new things everyday.  We are a week from when the first group will show up, and I am STILL juggling some trips around.  That's right folks, I just worked out some kinks in the schedule with 2 more of our ministry sites yesterday.  I don't think this job will ever get boring.

So today, I am back to scheduling.  Working out trips that no longer make sense, finding people to go to places that need them.  Some quick prayer requests as I finish off this (rather pointless) post.

  • My Grandma goes into surgery today, please pray that she will successfully have pressure released from her spine so she will not be in constant pain.
  • This summer is a good experience to me, as I step further into responsibility.
  • My church will find favor upon my application for financial support.
  • That I find a car quickly and without too much stress
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