Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Leisure on Vacation?

This past weekend, CSM went on a retreat.  We had groups all the way until Saturday morning, and had another group coming in on Sunday, so we decided to go somewhere close.  Early Saturday morning, we rushed the groups out of our housing site, and piled into the cars and drove to Palm Springs.  When we got there, we split up, some of us going to the movies, and some of us to the water park.  Relaxing all afternoon was followed by a dinner we all shared.  Then we walked down the street to get some ice cream.  It was close to 8pm, and it was still over 100 degrees.  But despite the weather, we were still having a great time talking and just enjoying each other's company. 

This morning, before we left, Vales put together this great devotional for us to reflect on God, and how we make space for Him.  I started reading the material, and only was able to make it to the first page, when I was struck with so much depth, journaling was the only way to get my mind around it.  Here is that particular entry:

Have you ever heard someone say, "I need a vacation from my vacation"?  It's odd to me that life gets so busy, that even when we plan to relax we are more stressed than when we work. 

Finding leisure, is crazy.  If you don't believe me, try this little experiment.  Go to Disneyland one day, find a nice shady place to sit, where a lot of people are walking around.  And WATCH.  I don't mean for five or ten minutes, I mean sit and really watch the crowd.  Watch for half an hour; watch for an hour; shoot! watch the whole day! 

Watch people trying to relax.  Watch them plan their rest into such a frenzy that it stresses everyone out.  Watch as a crazed mom drags her exhausted children from ride to ride.  Watch as a dad is so worked up about the money being spent he's losing his mind.  Watch as a kid throws a tantrum because he can't just rest.  But aren't they resting?  Isn't this their vacation?  Aren't they supposed to be having fun?!?

Maybe leisure isn't exactly how the world defines it.  Maybe it's finding time for silence in the midst of noise, maybe it's quiet conversations in the midst of turmoil, maybe it's creating time, space, and energy in the midst of the busiest week.

I think we need to re-define how we find rest.  How does one find it?  Where does it come from?  In Psalm 121 it reads, "I life my eyes to the hills.  Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth."

How awesome is that statement?  How amazing is it that the Lord God almighty; the maker of mountains, oceans, green valleys of grass, and vast expanses of ice; can help me?  That He WANTS to help me.

And God can give us peace.  He can give me Rest.  And He can give me what I NEED.

Heidelberg Catechism says:
I trust him so much that I do not doubt
    he will provide
       whatever I need
       for body and soul,
    and he will turn to my good
       whatever adversity he sends me
       in this sad world.

He is able to do this because he is almighty God,
he desires to do it because he is a faithful Father.

Help me Lord find peace, find solitude, find patience, find... YOU.
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