Rantings of My Mind...

Sometimes your mind has more to say than you know... Here are a few of the insights into what's happening upstairs...

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Series of Unfortunate Events....

Over the last few weeks, I have had a series of amazingly bad things happen all at once.

Some of you heard, some of you haven't, but I totalled my car about a month ago.  I was driving through an intersection when the SUV in front of me stopped, and I didn't have enough room between me and him. So, I hit him.  I saw it happening, so I managed to slam on the brakes, but... still hit.  Because his car was so much higher than mine, it's bumper managed to go right over mine and hit my hood instead.  Thus crushing my radiator and doing significant frame damage.  Nobody was hurt (thank God), and I got most things worked out with my insurance company.  I was given a rental truck, they decided to buy my car at a ... fair price, and I sighed and moved on.  On Wednesday, my parents were gracious enough to loan me their car, so I would not have to continue to rent the truck, and pay outrageous prices on gas.

A few weeks ago, my tooth started hurting.  I tried to ignore it, because... well, to be honest, the dentist scares me.  It did get better, then it took a turn for the worse.  I was waking up at night, and I couldn't fall back to sleep because my mouth hurt so much.  So, on Wednesday, I called into my dentist, and scheduled an appointment for Thursday.  Thursday 9:30 in the morning.  So, I get up on Thursday, drive myself down, and got ready for the worst.  After a few hours (of paperwork, x-rays, and waiting) I finally got checked up.  To which, my dentist tells me, "Your teeth are in bad shape."  This I could deduce from the pain.  What's the damage doc?  Well, apparently, I need to re-do all my fillings, get a root canal, and put crowns on 2 of my teeth.  CRAZY!!  So, after much thought, I decide to just do it, starting with the root canal.  They start in on my teeth...  6 hours later, I walk out of the dentist's chair with a sore mouth, new fillings on one side of my mouth, and an appointment for Friday.  I go back Friday morning to get the other half of my mouth worked on, and prep for the crowns...  I walk out 4 hours later; tired, dizzy, and exhausted.  Who knew sitting in a chair for that long could wear you out so much.  In the past week, I've spent a little over 14 hours in a dentist chair.  Am I done?  No.  I'm going back on Monday to finish off the root canal.  Then in about 2 weeks, I get to go back again to finish off the crowns.  *sigh*

So Friday, I get out of the dentist's office, and decide to try to get into work to finish off some things I haven't gotten to...  Being dazed and confused, I must have forgotten to lock the passenger door to my car.  So, after about 4 hours at work, I walked out to my car to grab a bag of clothes, and realize that someone had opened my door and stolen the bag.  Luckily, my parents had just given me their car, and there wasn't anything in it.  I was pretty upset, but I got over it quickly, because I said to myself, "at least nothing is broken, and it was just clothes that was stolen" 

Last night, as I'm talking to a few people at Dare & Tiff's wedding, I get a call from my roommate.  Apparently, the rental truck (which I was going to return on Monday), was broken into next to my apartment while I was out.  This time, they didn't just open the door.  They smashed the window, and grabbed my GPS that was sitting on the dash.  (Note: not the rental's GPS, mine).  I was really messed up at this point.  I was exhausted, weary, and just plain at my wit's end.  I spent the next 40 minutes on the phone waiting to talk to a police officer, and about an hour later, they showed up on the scene to write up a police report.  I stood outside, while they told me that it was likely that the "perp" would get away, and do it again to someone else.  It really made me sad.  I wasn't all that attached to the GPS, but the invasion of personal property really upset me. 

When I finished, I walked back to my room and just sat there.  I think I just need this particular couple of days to end.  I want a whole week where I don't get kicked in the gut.  Is that too much to ask?  It's like a bad movie.  And I ask myself...  why?

Today, in my devotions, the Psalm I was reading was 121.  Verse 7 reads, "The LORD will keep you from all harm- he will watch over your life;"  I really want this to be true.  I really do.
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